Please complete the following circuit 3-4x
Every exercise will be done for 20 reps with 10 secs rest to switch exercises Side crunch with a knee drive (20 per side) (Lying on your back with your knees dropped to one side, hands behind your head, crunch up and drive your top leg towards you elbows) Sumo Squats w/ bicep curls (Legs wide, feet turned out, weights in hand, sumo squat, do a neutral grip bicep curl while in the down position of the squat, return to starting position) Cross Body Row (20 reps per side) (Starting in a squatted position, keep one hand on your thigh, the other hand will be holding the weight at a diagonal towards the opposite foot and in front of of you. Squeeze shoulder blade back as you pull and drive elbow back) Switch hands after finishing all on one side) Burpees (no push up) (From a standing position, jump down into a push up position, jump back to standing and then jump up in the air) Bulgarian Squat (20 per leg) (One foot elevated on a box or step behind you, squat) Full Sit Ups (Arms across chest or in front of you, come all the way up) Supermans Speed Skaters (20 per side) (Jumping laterally from one foot to the other)
Please do the following circuit 3x through Dumbbell Bench Press on a foam roller x 15 Straight arm plank with a knee drive x20 per side Seated Cable Row x 12 Curtsey Lunges with Weight overhead x 12 per leg Shoulder Press (palms towards ears) x 12 Hamstring Ball Curls x 20 Tricep Rope Pull Downs x 12 Bicycle crunches x 30 per side Plank 30 secs - 1 Min Speed Skaters x 15 per leg Please do the following circuit 4-5x through...30 Seconds Work / 10 Second. Rest 1 minute in between rounds.
High Knees while jumping rope Lateral Lunges with weights High Knees while jumping rope Russian Twists with medicine ball or weight High Knees while jumping rope Reverse flys with band or weights Squats with 3 pulses at the bottom I am back from China and not suffering from jet lag at all, so you guys are in for a treat today. We are going to do 6x through the following circuit. Each exercise you are going to do for 30 seconds, with a 10 second break between exercises to switch weights if necessary. Pick weights that are challenging for you.
In out jump squats Kettle bell or Medicine ball swings Reverse lunge with a kick Russian Twist Abs Row Boat Abs High Knees Running in Place 1 minute rest Check back later today for video demonstrations Please repeat 3x
10 x full sit up 10 push-ups 10 per leg stationary lunges w/5-20llbs per hand (make sure to bend the back knee towards the ground) 10 per leg jumping lunges 10 Burpees 10 lat pull down or chin ups 10 per leg lateral lunges w/5-20lbs per hand 10 burpees 10 push ups 10 bodyweight squats (go as low as you can) 10 per leg jumping lunges 10 full sit ups Rest 1 min Please complete each set twice before moving on. 1 min of rest after completing each set.
Set #1 20 push-ups 20 body weight squats 1 minute of jump rope 20 box jumps Set #2 20 lat pull downs 20 dead lifts 1 minute of jumping jacks 20 alternating lunge jumps (10 per side) Set #3 20 Jack knives (both arms and legs come up and meet in the middle) 20 Supermans 1 min of alternating step ups 20 Jump Squats Strength: Please repeat 3x Starfish x 15 per side Regular Crunches x 30 Toe Touches x 20 Supermans x 12 Opposite Elbow to knee Crunch x 20 per side Leg lifts x 15 Full Sit ups x 12 Supermans x 12 Hamstring ball curls x 20 Reverse Woodchops with medicine ball x 12 per side Narrow Stance squat with medicine Ball press x 20 Push ups x 12 Jump Squats x10 Cardio: 30 minute Easy jog, elliptical, bike, or hike Cardio!
20 Minutes of sprints Sprint/run/power walk as fast as you can for 100m (straight away of a track), easy jog/walk back to start Repeat x12-15 After #6 give yourself a 2 minute rest Strength: When you finish your sprints please do the following 2x through 30 crunches 30 lunges per leg 30 Toe Touches Abs 20 burpees 30 Side Crunches per side 30 body weight squats 30 seconds Plank max amount of pull-ups Please do the following circuit 4x through!!! As always make sure you use heavy enough weights to be challenged by the last few reps of each set. Starfish Abs x15 per side Hell Climbers x 12 per leg Stationary Inch Worm with Push Up x 10 Lateral Lunge w DB x 10 per leg Elbows to Knees with Kickout (Abs) x 20 Toe Taps x 1 min Reverse Wood Chops with medicine ball x 12 per side Curtsey Lunge w DB x 10 per leg Rest 1 minute then repeat “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” Please do the following workout 3 x through. Use enough weight so that you are challenged by the last few reps. If you are a beginner, don't worry about using weight, go ahead and do everything with your own body weight and modified if neccessary. 6 overhead lunges per leg (arms overhead holding the weights) 12 Kettle bell swings 10 pushups W/ count of 6 on the way down, then up quick 30 second Russian Twist 15 squat jumps half mile Power walk |
Author# 1 Trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area, sharing health, fitness, and lifestyle information. Archives
February 2015