Please complete the following circuit 5x
Please do the following circuit 3x through Chest Flys x 12 Hell Climbers x15 per side ( bring foot to the outside of the corresponding hand) Single arm cross body squatted Row x 12 (squatted with chest up and a flat back, abs engaged, squeeze shoulders together as you pull the weight up like an old lawnmower) Curtsy Lunges with bicep curl x 12 per leg Tricep Kick Backs x 15 (Bent over with a flat back, abs engaged, elbows by your sides, extend weights back behind you, moving only from the elbows) Hamstring Ball Curls w/ toes together x 20 (legs long on the ball, lift hips off the ground, pull the ball towards you. Toes need to stay together, knees will go knock kneed) Lateral Delt Raises x 12 (Standing with a weight in each hand, slightly bent elbows, lifting out to the sides) Bicycle crunches with toes touching between reps x 15 (Bring toes together between each rep, opposite elbow to knee) Side Plank on elbows 30 secs- 1 Min Speed skaters x 10 per leg (jumping one foot to the other side to side) Please complete the following circuit 5x Every exercise will be done for 30 secs with 10secs rest to switch exercises Hopping over a bench Step ups w/opposite elbow to knee w/10lbs (L) Hopping forward using bench Step ups w/opposite elbow to knee w/10lbs (R) Alternating Supermans on hands and knees w/5lbs (L) Mt. Climbers Alternating Supermans on hands and knees w5lbs (R) Half Burpees Please do the following circuit 3x through Dumbbell Bench Press on a foam roller x 15 Straight arm plank with a knee drive x20 per side Seated Cable Row x 12 Curtsey Lunges with Weight overhead x 12 per leg Shoulder Press (palms towards ears) x 12 Hamstring Ball Curls x 20 Tricep Rope Pull Downs x 12 Bicycle crunches x 30 per side Plank 30 secs - 1 Min Speed Skaters x 15 per leg ![]() Please do 3 sets and 10 reps of each exercise. Complete one mini circuit before you move onto the next. Make sure you use enough weight to challenge yourself by reps 8-10 1) Squats, Push ups, Lunge with back foot on a box 2) Hamstring Ball Curls, Step Ups, Chest Flys 3) Sit up with rotation, lunge with rows, Supermans |
Author# 1 Trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area, sharing health, fitness, and lifestyle information. Archives
February 2015