Cardio: 8x walk 2 mins, sprint 1min Strength: 3x through the following (Legs spread wide, toes turned out, stay on your toes as you squat) (Find a step or low object you can tap your toes on. Starting with one foot on the object jump up and switch your feet, and tap your other foot on it, keep repeating) (Back flat against the wall, hands hanging by your side, knees in a 90 degree angle) (Do a push up, then to take onto one hand into a side plank, repeat push up and then rotate to other side) (Hands behind your head, squat with feet about hip with apart) (On your elbows in a plank position, jump your feet out wide then bring them back in) (Lying on your back, legs on a stability ball, lift your hips off the ground, pull the ball towards you in one big swoop, extend legs back out and repeat)
Please complete the following 3-4x through. Please pick weights that will challenge you. If you don't have weights, improvise. Remember to push yourself! Elbows to knees, rocking feet to floor x20 Cardio: 30 minutes of cardio alternating between 2mins fast, 1 min comfortable. You can walk, run, bike, swim, elliptical, etc. (Arm across your chest or straight in front of you, feet should not be hooked on anything) Hamstring Hip Lifts or Hamstring Ball Curls (Lying on your back, feet close to your bum, squeeze the bum as you lift your hips as high into the sky as you can... Hamstring ball curls.... Legs long on the ball, lift the hips off the ground, pull the ball towards you, keep hips up the whole time) (Spread your hands out to the side very wide, complete as many reps as you can, drop to your knees and continue until you can't complete anymore) Half Burpees (Start in a straight arm plank position, jump your feet forward to your hands, then jump back into the plank position) (Hands on a bench, bend your elbows and lower yourself down towards the ground, moving from the elbows only) (On elbows and toes) Please do 4 sets of each of these exercises. Remember to use a weight that will be challenging to you by the last few repetitions. (Lunge forward, forming a 90 degree angle with both your front and back knees, make sure that all of your weight is in your front heel as you step forward) (Squat, stay low in the squat as you step sideways 15x in one direction, then repeat on the other side)
(Standing tall, run in place kicking yourself in the bum literally) (Find a bench or other elevated surface to step up onto, drive the knee that you did not step with up into the air, balance for a second and then step back down. Complete 12 on one side then switch to the other side) (Start standing tall, run in place driving your knee up to your chest. Make sure you stay tall and don't hunch forward) Bicycle Crunches x20 per side (Lying on your back, knees in table top, hands behind your head, bring one elbow towards the opposing knee, at the same time extend the other leg out straight) Please repeat 3x 10 full sit up W/rotation at top (Arms across your chest or straight in front of you as you come all the way up to a seated position, rotate to one direction, then back to center, down and repeat) 10 narrow push-ups (Hands directly under your shoulders, elbows track back by your sides) 10 per leg Single leg squats (Standing tall, lift one foot off the ground, lower down towards the ground, bending your knee to form a 90 degree angle. Do not touch your other foot to the floor Complete 10 squats on one side before moving to the other side) 10 Jumping lunges (5 per side) (Starting in the same position as above, lunge down and jump up and switch your legs in mid air, landing with feet in the opposite to their starting position) 10 Burpees (From a standing position, jump down into a straight arm plank position, jump feet forward , then jump straight up) 10 Shoulder Push Ups (Starting in a push up position, walk your feet as far forward towards your hands as possible, your bum will be high in the air and you will be on your toes, lower your head down towards the floor as you bend your arms) 10 Plank Jumping Jacks (Starting in a plank position on your elbows and toes, jump your feet out wide, then back in to complete one rep) 10 Mt. Climbers per leg (Straight arm plank position, one foot up by your hands, other leg extended straight behind you, jump up and switch legs) 10 Curtsy Lunge per side ( standing, cross one leg behind the other, making sure your front leg stays facing forward, bend both knees towards a 90 degree angle, stand up and repeat on other side) 10 Bodyweight squats w/5pulses (Aim for a 90 degree angle in the knees) 10 Stationary inch worms (Standing, reach down to the floor, walk yourself out into a plank position, then walk yourself back to a hamstring stretch position) 10 Elbow to Knees w/kick out crunches (Starting on your back in table top position, crunch your elbows towards your knees, as your head goes back, kick your legs out as straight and low to the ground as you can) Rest 1-2 mins Please do 1 minute of plank(on elbows and toes or knees) between EVERY set and do each exercise 4x through. Please do 10 reps of each exercise with a weight that is challenging. Starting from a standing position, hands by your sides holding your weights, squat and on your way up raise your arms straight out to the side. Lower arms back down as you back into a squat
Lying on your back with legs long, feet on the ball,hips up off the ground, keeping your feet together and straight pull the ball towards you, extend legs back out to straight. Repeat
Standing with feet together, lunge to one side, reach with opposite hand towards the outside of your lunged foot. Return to starting position and repeat on other side.
Please do the following 3-4x Mt. Climbers x15 per leg Starting in a straight arm plank position, bring one foot forward under your chest, jump your feet off the ground and switch them in the air. Straight Arm Lat pull downs x12 w/a heavy band Hook your band over something that is at least a foot taller than you. Standing in front of your band about an arms length away, with straight arms, pull the band down by your sides. Russian twists with weight or medicine ball x20 per side Balancing on your bum, feet off the floor, holding a weight or ball with both hands rotate to one side, keeping the weight or ball in front of your chest the whole time. Repeat on the other side. Walking lunges with weight overhead x15 per leg Holding a weight with both hands straight overhead, lunge forward. Speed Skaters x1 min Standing on one foot, jump as far laterally as you can and land on the other foot, continue to jump side to side for the full minute Please do the following 3-4x Shoulder press jumps x15 Starting with weights by your ears, jump up and spread your legs wide and press your arms straight up, jump up again and bring your feet together and your hands back down by your ears. Bent Over Rows x12 With almost straight legs, bend forward from the waist, with a flat back, arms hang straight down, squeeze shoulders together as you lift your arms. Side Plank with a hip dip x20 per side On one elbow in a side plank position, lower your hips down to the floor, then lift them up as high as you can. Overhead kettle bell swings x15 Holding onto a kettle bell or weight in a wide leg stance, thrust your hips forward and swing the weight straight over your head. Keep your abs engaged and shoulders away from your ears. High knees x1 min |
Author# 1 Trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area, sharing health, fitness, and lifestyle information. Archives
February 2015