Please complete the following circuit 3-4x
Every exercise will be done for 20 reps with 10 secs rest to switch exercises Side crunch with a knee drive (20 per side) (Lying on your back with your knees dropped to one side, hands behind your head, crunch up and drive your top leg towards you elbows) Sumo Squats w/ bicep curls (Legs wide, feet turned out, weights in hand, sumo squat, do a neutral grip bicep curl while in the down position of the squat, return to starting position) Cross Body Row (20 reps per side) (Starting in a squatted position, keep one hand on your thigh, the other hand will be holding the weight at a diagonal towards the opposite foot and in front of of you. Squeeze shoulder blade back as you pull and drive elbow back) Switch hands after finishing all on one side) Burpees (no push up) (From a standing position, jump down into a push up position, jump back to standing and then jump up in the air) Bulgarian Squat (20 per leg) (One foot elevated on a box or step behind you, squat) Full Sit Ups (Arms across chest or in front of you, come all the way up) Supermans Speed Skaters (20 per side) (Jumping laterally from one foot to the other)
Please do each set 3x before moving onto the next set
1. Abs A. Bicycle Crunches x 1min B. Ball in air, opposite arm/leg x15 per side C. Exchange big stability ball from hands to feet x20 exchanges 2. Hamstring Hip Lifts x20 Rest for 1 min after you have completed 3x through 1. Wall sit x 45 secs (Make sure your legs are at a 90 degree angle, and hands are 2. Bench press on foam roller x 12 w/20lbs per hand (Make sure at your head is relaxed on the roller) Rest 1 min after completing 3x through 1. Lat pull down x12 w/90lbs 2. Reverse Flys x12 w/12-15lbs per hand (Elbows slightly bent) Rest 1 min after completing 3x through 1. Step ups(alternating) x1 min 2. Burpees w/no push up x15 Rest 1 min after completing 3x through 1. Reverse bicep curls x 12 w/12-15 per hand (Palms facing down) 2. Tricep Skull Crushers x15 w/20lbs (Keep elbows close to the ears and pointed forward) |
Author# 1 Trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area, sharing health, fitness, and lifestyle information. Archives
February 2015