Please do the following circuit 3x through Dumbbell Bench Press on a foam roller x 15 Straight arm plank with a knee drive x20 per side Seated Cable Row x 12 Curtsey Lunges with Weight overhead x 12 per leg Shoulder Press (palms towards ears) x 12 Hamstring Ball Curls x 20 Tricep Rope Pull Downs x 12 Bicycle crunches x 30 per side Plank 30 secs - 1 Min Speed Skaters x 15 per leg
Please do each set 3x before moving onto the next set
1. Abs A. Bicycle Crunches x 1min B. Ball in air, opposite arm/leg x15 per side C. Exchange big stability ball from hands to feet x20 exchanges 2. Hamstring Hip Lifts x20 Rest for 1 min after you have completed 3x through 1. Wall sit x 45 secs (Make sure your legs are at a 90 degree angle, and hands are 2. Bench press on foam roller x 12 w/20lbs per hand (Make sure at your head is relaxed on the roller) Rest 1 min after completing 3x through 1. Lat pull down x12 w/90lbs 2. Reverse Flys x12 w/12-15lbs per hand (Elbows slightly bent) Rest 1 min after completing 3x through 1. Step ups(alternating) x1 min 2. Burpees w/no push up x15 Rest 1 min after completing 3x through 1. Reverse bicep curls x 12 w/12-15 per hand (Palms facing down) 2. Tricep Skull Crushers x15 w/20lbs (Keep elbows close to the ears and pointed forward) |
Author# 1 Trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area, sharing health, fitness, and lifestyle information. Archives
February 2015