Please complete the following circuit 3-4x
Every exercise will be done for 20 reps with 10 secs rest to switch exercises Side crunch with a knee drive (20 per side) (Lying on your back with your knees dropped to one side, hands behind your head, crunch up and drive your top leg towards you elbows) Sumo Squats w/ bicep curls (Legs wide, feet turned out, weights in hand, sumo squat, do a neutral grip bicep curl while in the down position of the squat, return to starting position) Cross Body Row (20 reps per side) (Starting in a squatted position, keep one hand on your thigh, the other hand will be holding the weight at a diagonal towards the opposite foot and in front of of you. Squeeze shoulder blade back as you pull and drive elbow back) Switch hands after finishing all on one side) Burpees (no push up) (From a standing position, jump down into a push up position, jump back to standing and then jump up in the air) Bulgarian Squat (20 per leg) (One foot elevated on a box or step behind you, squat) Full Sit Ups (Arms across chest or in front of you, come all the way up) Supermans Speed Skaters (20 per side) (Jumping laterally from one foot to the other)
Please do the following circuit 3x through Dumbbell Bench Press on a foam roller x 15 Straight arm plank with a knee drive x20 per side Seated Cable Row x 12 Curtsey Lunges with Weight overhead x 12 per leg Shoulder Press (palms towards ears) x 12 Hamstring Ball Curls x 20 Tricep Rope Pull Downs x 12 Bicycle crunches x 30 per side Plank 30 secs - 1 Min Speed Skaters x 15 per leg ![]() Please do 3 sets and 10 reps of each exercise. Complete one mini circuit before you move onto the next. Make sure you use enough weight to challenge yourself by reps 8-10 1) Squats, Push ups, Lunge with back foot on a box 2) Hamstring Ball Curls, Step Ups, Chest Flys 3) Sit up with rotation, lunge with rows, Supermans Please do the following circuit 4-5x through...30 Seconds Work / 10 Second. Rest 1 minute in between rounds.
High Knees while jumping rope Lateral Lunges with weights High Knees while jumping rope Russian Twists with medicine ball or weight High Knees while jumping rope Reverse flys with band or weights Squats with 3 pulses at the bottom Please do the following circuit 3x through
Dumbbell Bench Press on a foam roller x 12 Seated Cable Row x 12 Lunges with Weight overhead x 12 per leg Shoulder Press (palms towards ears) x 12 Hamstring Ball Curls x 20 Tricep Rope Pull Downs x 12 Leg lifts (Hands under low back, lowering legs to the floor) x 30 Plank 30 secs - 1 Min Mt. Climbers x 15 per leg 4x through the following
Jump Squat to Inch worm x 10 (Squat, jump up, then upon landing, reach down to the floor as though you are doing a hamstring stretch, walk hands and body out until you are in a straight arm plank position) Roll Pop Up x 10 (Start standing, squat as low to the floor as possible, then sit/roll back on your back, feet come completely off the ground, using your abs and some momentum, roll yourself back forward, and onto your feet into your original standing position) Curtsey Lunge with Ballet leg and arm extension x 10 per leg (Standing with both feet straight forward, hip width apart, cross one leg behind the other, bending both knees towards the floor, as you stand up raise both arms up and extend the leg that was crossed behind, up off the floor) Hell Climbers x 10 per leg (Starting in a straight arm plank position, bring one foot to the outside of the corresponding hand, then back to the starting position, repeat on other side) Side Plank with reach under x 10 per side (Starting in either a bent arm or straight arm side plank position, reach as far under your body as possible, and then return to the starting position) I am back from China and not suffering from jet lag at all, so you guys are in for a treat today. We are going to do 6x through the following circuit. Each exercise you are going to do for 30 seconds, with a 10 second break between exercises to switch weights if necessary. Pick weights that are challenging for you.
In out jump squats Kettle bell or Medicine ball swings Reverse lunge with a kick Russian Twist Abs Row Boat Abs High Knees Running in Place 1 minute rest Check back later today for video demonstrations Strength: 4x12 of each exercise plus a warm up set at a lighter weight. Remember that you need to have a weight that is heavy enough to challenge you by reps 10-12. 1 min rest between sets.
Kettlebell Swings Sumo squats Lateral lunge with Shoulder Press Step ups onto bench Cardio: 10 x 15 sec sprints with 30 secs walking between sprints ![]() Mondays can be a challenge for people on so many levels, now that what can be considered the hardest day of the week is over, challenge yourself today to get through this workout full of new moves. Please do each of these for 1 minute. 3-4x through the whole thing. Make sure you are using weights that are challenging for you. I used the following weights, adjust accordingly. Walking lunges with weight pass or jumping lunges with weight(more advanced) pass w/12lbs (Walking lunges, passing the weight between your legs or jumping lunges, switching in mid air and passing the weight between legs) Crunches on stability ball ( lower back should be supported on your ball) Single arm row to press to reverse lunge w/12lbs (Starting with the weight on the floor, single arm row, then should press the weight up, so that your arm is fully extended. Then reverse lunge with the opposite leg while arm is still full extended. Repeat on other side) (Video Below) Leg lifts abs (Lying on the floor, hands under lower back, lowering legs down to floor and back up) Forward lunge to lateral delt raise to standing chest press w/8lbs per hand (Forward lunge then back to standing, lateral raise to front, bring weights in to chest, press back out, bring weights back to sides and down)(Video Below) Back & butt lift into air on ball (On your stomach, hips supported on the ball, hands on the floor, bend your legs to a 90 degree angle, try to lift your heels up to the ceiling) Lunge w/ tricep kick back w/8lbs per hand (Hold a stationary lunge, slight lean forward, back straight, chest up, elbows by your sides, extend arms back behind you) Crunch with punch & triceps on stability ball w/8lbs per hand ( lying on your back on the ball, the weights to go over your head as you lay back, bring them back to your chest as you crunch up, the punch across the body once with each hand, then repeat) Rest 2 mins Forward lunge to lateral delt raise to standing chest pressSingle arm row to press to reverse lunge |
Author# 1 Trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area, sharing health, fitness, and lifestyle information. Archives
February 2015