Please do the following circuit 4-5x through...30 Seconds Work / 10 Second. Rest 1 minute in between rounds.
High Knees while jumping rope Lateral Lunges with weights High Knees while jumping rope Russian Twists with medicine ball or weight High Knees while jumping rope Reverse flys with band or weights Squats with 3 pulses at the bottom
Please do 1 minute of jump rope/jumping on a trampoline/Jumping Jacks between EVERY set and do each exercise 3x through. All of these are going to be done with body weight.
Example: Squats x 1 min Jump Rope x 1 min Squats x 1 min Jump Rope x 1 min Squats x 1 min Jump Rope x 1 min Strength: 1.Sumo Squats x1 min 2. Narrow stance (tricep) Push ups x 1 min 3. Stationary Reverse lunge to a front kick x 1 min 4. Plank with alternating leg lifts Please complete each set twice before moving on. 1 min of rest after completing each set.
Set #1 20 push-ups 20 body weight squats 1 minute of jump rope 20 box jumps Set #2 20 lat pull downs 20 dead lifts 1 minute of jumping jacks 20 alternating lunge jumps (10 per side) Set #3 20 Jack knives (both arms and legs come up and meet in the middle) 20 Supermans 1 min of alternating step ups 20 Jump Squats Hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday! We are back at it today!
Cardio:45 minute walk or jog with hills Strength: 4x through the following and pick weights that you can finish all the reps but that challenge you by the last 5. 10-15 push ups 30 Kettle Bell or Weight Swings ( you can use a dumb bell the same way you would swing a kettlebell. View the video if you are not sure) 1 min Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks 1 minute Bicycle Crunches 20 shoulder Press 15 per leg walking lunges with a bicep curl 1 min Speed Skaters or Running in Place Rest 30sec-1min Repeat! Cardio: 30 minutes of running/jogging/speed walking on a flat surface
Strength: Please do each of the following exercises with your bodyweight or you can add weights if it isn't challenging enough. 4x through the following exercises! 1. Push up to a side plank 6-10 to each side ( remember you can do these from your knees if neccessary) 2. Straight Arm Plank with Knee to Elbow x 6-10 per side 3. Elbows to Knees with a kickout x20-30 ( lying on your back in table top position, bring your knees to your elbows, when your head goes back you extend your legs out straight) 4. Sumo Squats on Tip Toes x20 ( Go into a normal sumo squat position, but lift your heels off the ground, don't let your heels touch) 5. Hamstring Ball Curls with toes together/heels out x 20 ( Feet and calves on the ball with toes together and heels apart, lift hips off the ground, pull the ball towards you in one big pull, then kick it back out) 6. Jump rope or Mountain Climbers 30 sec-1 min ( if you need to modify the mountain climbers, do them on an elevated surface) Hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday! Let's get back on track together today! ![]() CARDIO! 60 min hike or walk/run with rolling hills. Go somewhere new that is a change of scenery. Push yourself to get your heart rate up, it is the beginning of the week, start it off right! Strength! Please do each of the following exercises with your bodyweight or you can add weights if it isn't challenging enough. 4x through the following exercises! 1. Push up to a side plank 6-10 to each side ( remember you can do these from your knees if neccessary) 2. Straight Arm Plank with Knee to Elbow x 6-10 per side 3. Elbows to Knees with a kickout x20-30 ( lying on your back in table top position, bring your knees to your elbows, when your head goes back you extend your legs out straight) 4. Sumo Squats on Tip Toes x20 ( Go into a normal sumo squat position, but lift your heels off the ground, don't let your heels touch) 5. Hamstring Ball Curls with toes together/heels out x 20 ( Feet and calves on the ball with toes together and heels apart, lift hips off the ground, pull the ball towards you in one big pull, then kick it back out) 6. Jump rope or Mountain Climbers 30 sec-1 min ( if you need to modify the mountain climbers, do them on an elevated surface) Cardio:
20 minutes of stairs, 10 minutes hitting every step, 10 minutes skipping a step Strength: Warm up: Walking Lunges forward x12 per leg Walking Lunges Backwards x12 per leg Side Lunges x 12 per leg Workout: please do the following 3 x through and add as much weight as is neccessary for you to feel challenged by the last few reps. Crunches x 20 Side Crunches x 20 per side Leg in air, feet spead, opposite hand to foot x 15 per side Squats x 12 Lat Pull Downs x 15 (you can do this on a machine, or with bands at home) Hamstring Ball Curls x 20 Chest Press on a stability ball x 12 Jump Rope x 1 min or Jumping Jacks x 1 min |
Author# 1 Trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area, sharing health, fitness, and lifestyle information. Archives
February 2015