Strength: 4x12 of each exercise plus a warm up set at a lighter weight. Remember that you need to have a weight that is heavy enough to challenge you by reps 10-12. 1 min rest between sets.
Kettlebell Swings Sumo squats Lateral lunge with Shoulder Press Step ups onto bench Cardio: 10 x 15 sec sprints with 30 secs walking between sprints
20 Minutes of sprints Sprint/run/power walk as fast as you can for 100m (straight away of a track), easy jog/walk back to start Repeat x12-15 After #6 give yourself a 2 minute rest Strength: When you finish your sprints please do the following 2x through 30 crunches 30 lunges per leg 30 Toe Touches Abs 20 burpees 30 Side Crunches per side 30 body weight squats 30 seconds Plank max amount of pull-ups “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” ![]() Please do the following workout 3 x through. Use enough weight so that you are challenged by the last few reps. If you are a beginner, don't worry about using weight, go ahead and do everything with your own body weight and modified if neccessary. 6 overhead lunges per leg (arms overhead holding the weights) 12 Kettle bell swings 10 pushups W/ count of 6 on the way down, then up quick 30 second Russian Twist 15 squat jumps half mile Power walk "No great thing is created suddenly" Please do the following circuit 3x through. This workout must be done in a gym or at home with appropriate equipment. Remember to use enough weight so that you are very challenged by the last repetition.
Strength: Dumbbell Bench Press x 12 Seated Cable Row x 12 Squats w/ Dumbbells x 12 Shoulder Press x 12 Hamstring Ball Curls x 20 Tricep Rope Pull Downs x 12 Bicycle Crunches x 30 Plank 30 secs - 1 Min Mt. Climbers x 15 per leg Cardio: 30 minutes Elliptical, 15 mins forward, 15 mins backwards or 30 minutes running 15 mins forward, 15 mins backwards Cardio!
45 minutes on Elliptical, 15 mins forward, 15 mins Backwards, 15 minutes your choice or 45 minutes jog or walk with hills Strength! 3x through the whole thing Crunches x 30 Full Sit ups x 20 Plank 30-90 secs Supermans x 12 Lateral Lunges x 12 Ice Skaters x 1min Reverse Lunges x 12 Jumping Jacks x 1 min Shoulder Push Ups x 8 Mountain Climbers x 30 sec Dips x 20 Wall Sit x 1 min Please do the following circuit 3x
10 burpees 10 Bent Over Rows 10 jumping lunges per leg 5 pull ups 10 Full Sit Ups 20 body weight squats Run ½ mile for time 20 Hamstring Ball Curls 20 Tricep Skull Crushers 5 Pull ups Run, bike, elliptical 10-15 minutes
Strength: 10 Push-ups 10 Body weight squats 10 Burpees 10 Crunches 10 Dips 10 Reverse Lunges per leg 10 Sumo Squats 10 Mt. Climbers per leg 10 Toe Touch Crunches (Repeat 2 more times) Run 1 mile This one is a challenging one! Please do what you can. Beginners, go ahead an do only half of what is listed.
1-3 Rounds of: 800m Run 50 Body Weight Squats 50 Push Ups 800m Run 50 Lunges per leg 15 Pull Ups 400m Run 25 Air Squats 25 Push Ups 400m Run 25 Lunges per leg 15 Pull Ups 100 Jumping Jacks 20 single leg, leg lifts 30 Toe Touches ~straight leg 20 side crunches 15 side plank with hip dip 15 push ups 100 Jumping Jacks 100 fast jumps jump in air knees trying to touch chest 3 mile slow Run/Walk/Elliptical 5 x 30sec-1 min plank minute plank Cool down: Stretch We are going to do as many reps as possible with good form in one minute on each of the following:
Push Ups Sumo Squats Lat Pull Downs or Pull Ups Hamstring Ball Curls Shoulder Press Step Ups Bent Over Rows Reverse Lunges Tricep Kickbacks Full Sit Ups Cardio: Run/walk one Mile as quickly as you can |
Author# 1 Trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area, sharing health, fitness, and lifestyle information. Archives
February 2015